⚡️ A WARM WELCOME ⚡️to all that are taking the time to discover my new website and are perhaps trying to figure out how I can be useful for them or anyone in their professional or private environment. Do not hesitate to book some time with me to understand more WITHOUT any obligations 🙏🏻. As you have probably noticed in my website, there are many topics you can connect with me on and I would like to highlight one of the tools that I am using frequently with high client satisfaction. 📣MBTI (Myers-BriggsTypeIndicator) is a worldwide used tool that identifies your preferences and comes with a broad opportunity for applications for individuals & teams, that I will highlight in future blogs. The outcome of an MBTI assessment can be the start of a journey to understand yourself and others better. 📣I am delighted to share that I am a trusted partner of the MyersBriggs company in Belgium (of course serving clients across borders/continents). MBTI can support you in individual and team development. Watch this short video to learn more.
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